Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Garlic: Sweet and simple!

Two Types:
hardneck:  AKA  topset garlic - They produce fewer, but larger cloves
softneck: They produce smaller, but more numerous cloves

* Garlic takes about eight months to mature in your garden - You should plant these by September 30
* Plant your garlic where it will get full sun and where the soil is slightly acidic
* WEED WEED WEED - The less weeds in your garlic bed the less work later.
* Add Harvest in the City Compost to the area that you will be planting the bulbs.  You are doing this to insure that you have a combo of moisture retention and good drainage.
* Plant garlic bulbs 2 inches down and 5 inches apart with the pointed end pointed up.
* Top dress the garlic bulbs with Harvest in the City Compost.  This will help to keep weeds down and grass out.
* Mulch after the ground freezes to protect your garlic.
* Before you harvest wait until the plants turn yellow and fall over.
* For the hardneck variety: In the spring you will get tall straight stalks with curly Q's on top, they are called scapes.  You can harvest these to cook with when there are 2-3 Q's on top.  If you want your bulbs to get bigger, leave them.... but they are DELICIOUS! Your choice.

That's all - easy Parcheesi!!!  Let me know how it goes.

Here are some of the upcoming topics, in no particular order:
1) onions
2) groundcovers
3) thinning your veggie sprouts


  1. Can you use the grocery store garlic or do you recommend another type?

  2. You can totally use the grocery store type. I recommend going to the farmers market and getting a local hardneck variety. Does that help? Any more questions? I LOVE THEM!!!
