Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great native plants for a butterfly garden

Here are some perennial flowers that work well in a butterfly garden.  When designing a butterfly garden your goal is not only to attract butterflies but also to attract caterpillars.  You want some nectar plants and host plants.  The host plants will make it comfortable for the butterflies to lay their eggs.

Bedding Phlox         


Common Yarrow


Butterfly Milkweed


Indian Blanket Flower

Joe Pye Weed

Butterfly Bush

Purple Coneflower

Tickseed Coreopsis

All of the uniqueness that attracts you to the flowers, will also attract the butterflies like, color, shape, and size.  Interspersed with the flowers you can add culinary herbs like dill, fennel, and mint. And if you have enough space throw in some fruit trees like fig and peach.  Many varties of those trees are self-fertile so you don't have to worry about getting a male and female tree.  The best time to plant your butterfly garden will be in the spring, unless you promise to water diligently everyday, you can plant now. 

(remember that many of these suggestions are for North Carolina, if you have questions about other areas of the country, just ask, I will do my best to answer them)

Happy Gardening!

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